Monday, August 24, 2009

Rehearsal Day One

Day One: The beginning of something exciting!

Hello All, this is Andrew, the assistant director of Orestes Re-Examined. Over the coming weeks I'll be keeping a blog of the process of the project, from within the rehearsal room. Hopefully just as exciting for the reader as it i for the company.

Rehearsals got off to a great start today, the company met, shared, and learnt everyone's names. After a little encouragement, the company accepted that Philips name was not Steve and adjusted to it accordingly. We've explored the Southwark Playhouse with an attention to space, detail, and feeling. From the smoggy surrounding areas to the darkest vaults of underground London. Not to be confused with the London Underground. A promising start to a voyage of discovery.

Blog One, much more to come...

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