Hello bloggers,
Emma here - just wanted to share some responses from my director's perspective, on the progress of the rehearsal room. Only three days in, and it feels as if we have been working together for a long time. We have enjoyed an immersive and intensive start to the project, with in depth character and ensemble exploration, and a chance to really start scoping out the new contexts for the piece. The cast have been responsible for bringing their own responses to current world events, and the room has been awash with political debate, story sharing and an overall generation of critical resource and stimulus material for the work. I have been overhwelmed by the company's investment and commitment to the work, the passion and energy with which they engage with each exercise, and the quality and depth of engagement amongst a newly forged ensemble. It has been moving and humbling to watch the cast explore personal resonances and truths, and there have been many affirmations of why it is so vital to be creating work in this way. There is a great appetite for exploration, and a atmosphere of real respect and generosity for each others' work. We have worked in detail on the underlying themes of urgency, potency and 'need to tell'. Andrew (Assistant Director) has developed wonderful detailed work with characters, Menelaus and his Deputy, Orestes, Electra and Athena.
Tomorrow is our first day on the script 'proper', and I feel we shall now come to it brimming with character back story and imagination. The rebels have ow developed individual stories, drawn from/inspired by real life events and stories that have struck them.
Here's to more discovery...
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