- The clarity of the story - felt 'guided' through the piece
- Being fully engaged and captivated throughout
- Feeling stimulated, angry/passionate and responsive throughout
- Feeling the weight/burden of responsibility when asked to vote
- The commitment and investment of the cast
- The aptness of the space/site
- The unity and cohesion of the ensemble
- The pertinence of this re-telling to today
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The final curtain
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Raving Review for Orestes!
The play reworks Aeschylus's telling of the story of Orestes, of his murder of his mother, the avenging Furies, and the final reckoning of trial by jury and judicial settlement . It is called Orestes: Re-examined but the story is not just re-examined, it is also re-charged with amazing energy, insight and passion by Full Tilt Theatre Company under the direction of Emma Gersch.The Furies have become outcast Rebels. With these Rebels the young company succeeds where almost all modern productions fail in making a chorus that speaks, moves and sings with collective solidarity and yet also displays individuality. There is also room for the audience to act as individuals as they vote on whether a murderer can be allowed to run the state, and then to consider the actual outcome of their collective decision.
The characterisation of the other side, Authority, is weak. But this is a small shortcoming when compared with the achievement of the chorus of Rebels, victorious and victimised, disturbing and appealing. This is theatre at its best. Intellectually and emotionally this is a play and a performance that are not to be missed.
Bob Catterall
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Only Connect (working with ex-prisoners)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Open for Business

Well and truly open for business, Orestes: Re-Examined has opened it's doors to our audience, last Wednesday 16th September. As ever, a mad rush towards opening night - but the company really pulled together, rooted themselves and gave a great first performance. It is always terrifying as a director watching an audience watching your show, and particularly with 'Orestes', as our audience is seated in traverse, in clear view of each other throughout! So I hid in the shadows, and tried not to mouth words, beat rhythms or nod appreciatively during the show.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's Begun - The TECH!
We had a 12 hour day yesterday, the set looks fantastic, and Alex has done a grand job with the lighting conjuring just the right atmosphere and impact to frame and reinforce the play. The cast displayed amazing patience yesterday as they were required to stand still for hours on end as we plotted lights and sound around them. It's always difficult from where I am sitting to grasp the whole picture at this stage in production, when the show is spliced up into cues and technical chunks. Of course the artistic anxiety kicks in that all the beautiful rehearsal detail is lost in the melais of dry ice and parcans. But - deep down I trust that once we join up all the dots, it will fit back together again.
Adam Griffiths has very kindly joined the team and created the AV and film work for the pre-show, looking great - and we are most grateful to him. Our long day was concluded by a burst of song from our team of authorities who had put their long hours of sitting around to good use, and written a spoof song about 'Argos' - which was then performed in the style of a frog chorus to the rest of the company. A perfect way to end the day.
More soon....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Orestes - GET IN!
Last rehearsals!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Final Unit
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Rehearsal progress
Another successful day at the Southwark Playhouse, and - amazingly, we are nearing the end of the show! I don't want this week to go too quickly - and am trying to savour each moment of this wonderful rehearsal journey. More exploring, playing and risking from all. There is such a positive energy in the rehearsal room, and I come away each evening feeling so inspired and enhanced. This project has confirmed to me the profound impact that theatre can have on us - politically, socially, culturally. Having the opportunity to sculpt and create work that is absolutely up to date, relevant and resonant feels so critical. Being able to create with a group of artists who are so open, generous and ready to explore is a real privilege. It is rare to find yourself in amongst an ensemble that has an innate cohesion, total lack of ego, and a shared desire to make the work the best it can be. Horay.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The end of week 2!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Rehearsal update
Hello again!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Orestes Rehearsal Room
Research blog...
I found this blog whilst researching and found it very interesting as an example of how a prolonged exposure to events such as the ones we have been looking at can really eat away at a person.....each month this blog seems to become (understandably) more angry and bitter. www.arabwomanblues.blogspot.com
Hope it's of some use....
Sarah x
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Animal Farm and In Place of War
Thought this was interesting. Palestinian theatre company in the Jenin refugee camp doing animal farm. I especially like the former guerilla fighter saying "all theatre is revolution". Also the idea that the 'pigs' become like Farmer Jones when they start saying 'I' not 'We'.
The Freedom theatre was built largely with money made by a documentary called Arna's children. It is by a half Israeli half Palestinian actor who filmed the children he did drama classes with in the refugee camp. He returns years later after the battle of Jenin to find out what became of the children. Most of them are dead, either through fighting or becoming suicide bombers. In tracing the kind of life that can lead people to do such terrible and extreme things it is very interesting, and, of course, heartbreaking. If anyone would like to borrow it just ask me.
I recommend this as a general resource:
"What is In Place of War?
In Place of War researches theatre and performance practice from sites of crisis and armed conflict. The first decade of the 21 st century has witnessed multiple wars and humanitarian crises - connected to the instabilities of economic globalization, historical political grievance, global structural inequity and new forms of ecological threat. While the events of our contemporary 'times of blood and crime' are not without historical precedent, they have never before had such evident global reach, impact and interconnectedness. "
Lastly - I met a man on a train once who was a refugee from Sudan. He said that in his village it was not safe to talk about politics. So, in the guise of theatre, they would perform to each other in mime. They had a set of complex physical symbols, so they could have political discussions, while to anyone watching it would look like they were just playing. Today i thought of him in relation to the non verbal communication between the rebels.
Religious police in Saudi Arabia arrest mother for sitting with a man
A 37-year-old American businesswoman and married mother of three is seeking justice after she was thrown in jail by Saudi Arabia's religious police for sitting with a male colleague at a Starbucks coffee shop in Riyadh.
Yara, who does not want her last name published for fear of retribution, was bruised and crying when she was freed from a day in prison after she was strip-searched, threatened and forced to sign false confessions by the Kingdom's “Mutaween” police.
Her story offers a rare first-hand glimpse of the discrimination faced by women living in Saudi Arabia. In her first interview with the foreign press, Yara told The Times that she would remain in Saudi Arabia to challenge its harsh enforcement of conservative Islam rather than return to America.
“If I want to make a difference I have to stick around. If I leave they win. I can't just surrender to the terrorist acts of these people,” said Yara, who moved to Jeddah eight years ago with her husband, a prominent businessman.
Her ordeal began with a routine visit to the new Riyadh offices of her finance company, where she is a managing partner.
The electricity temporarily cut out, so Yara and her colleagues — who are all men — went to a nearby Starbucks to use its wireless internet.
She sat in a curtained booth with her business partner in the cafĂ©'s “family” area, the only seats where men and women are allowed to mix.
For Yara, it was a matter of convenience. But in Saudi Arabia, public contact between unrelated men and women is strictly prohibited.
“Some men came up to us with very long beards and white dresses. They asked ‘Why are you here together?'. I explained about the power being out in our office. They got very angry and told me what I was doing was a great sin,” recalled Yara, who wears an abaya and headscarf, like most Saudi women.
The men were from Saudi Arabia's Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a police force of several thousand men charged with enforcing dress codes, sex segregation and the observance of prayers.
Yara, whose parents are Jordanian and grew up in Salt Lake City, once believed that life in Saudi Arabia was becoming more liberal. But on Monday the religious police took her mobile phone, pushed her into a cab and drove her to Malaz prison in Riyadh. She was interrogated, strip-searched and forced to sign and fingerprint a series of confessions pleading guilty to her “crime”.
“They took me into a filthy bathroom, full of water and dirt. They made me take off my clothes and squat and they threw my clothes in this slush and made me put them back on,” she said. Eventually she was taken before a judge.
“He said 'You are sinful and you are going to burn in hell'. I told him I was sorry. I was very submissive. I had given up. I felt hopeless,” she said.
Yara's husband, Hatim, used his political contacts in Jeddah to track her whereabouts. He was able to secure her release.
“I was lucky. I met other women in that prison who don't have the connections I did,” she said. Her story has received rare coverage in Saudi Arabia, where the press has been sharply critical of the police.
Yara was visited yesterday by officials from the American Embassy, who promised they would file a report.
An embassy official told The Times that it was being treated as “an internal Saudi matter” and refused to comment on her case
Saudi Arabia -Women
— Saudi Arabia’s Mutaween has 10,000 members in almost 500 offices
— Ahmad al-Bluwi, 50, died in custody in 2007 in the city of Tabuk after he invited a woman outside his immediate family into his car
— In 2007 the victim of a gang rape was sentenced to 200 lashes and six years in jail for having been in an unrelated man’s car at the time. She was pardoned by King Abdullah, although he maintained the sentence had been fair
Monday, August 24, 2009
Story of Malalai Joya
Useful Website for Rebel Ensemble
Words from the front line: the bloody truth of Helmand – by a combat soldier